Wednesday 11 May 2011

Live Below the Line: Conclusion

Finishing this 5 day challenge was a bit of an anticlimax.  I was expecting to be more annoyed through lack of food or more excited that it has finished.  Thoughts that have crossed my mind include:  Why don't I add another day to make it more "challenging" or even why not do it until all the food is gone?  I have decided against this because this is not a "game" and you should know your limits and not go beyond them (sadly this is life for many people)  The aim of the challenge is to raise awareness of what (looks for figures) 1.4 billion people have to live on a day (less than £1) and that does not include housing, transportation, education, clothes and healthcare.

This has also highlighted the issue that you can eat healthily (at least from a fruit and veg point of view) on a budget.  I wish people would stop using the excuse of "it's too expensive."  It was really easy including fruit and vegetables with each meal.  I did find myself having a headache recently.  I think it's a mixture of not drinking tea and a sickly/eye straining experience sitting in the front row of the cinema (never again!).

Out of my shopping list (of which the tinned spaghetti remains unopened but I buy and eat that anyway so it's good) I would buy the products again minus 3 items:
Pasta Sauce: If only you didn't have saccharine!  Otherwise, you tasted nice but I like to make my own from tinned tomatoes.
Custard Powder: I think I'd have a on/off relationship with you.  You taste ok but should I?  With the whey powder and milk proteins most probably derived from cow's milk of the lowest quality?  For now, I have to finish my tub of Birds custard powder which is vegan.
Caged Eggs:  What to say without sounding like a hypocrite?  If I was in a supermarket and HAD to buy eggs, I would get free range because I can afford to upgrade.  Since I don't buy my eggs from supermarkets and get them from work (they are battery eggs) it sounds like I wouldn't buy them otherwise.  This is a slightly complicated area.  When I do buy eggs from a supermarket, they are free range.

I feel like this (my) challenge is an endorsement for Tesco, maybe I should rename it to the Tesco Value challenge?!  It highlights the ridiculous supermarket price wars going on.  Cheap for you but at what cost to the producers?  I am not sick of pasta or porridge but it will be nice to have the option to eat rice again.

I look forward to food becoming a social and joyous occasion again.

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