Monday 9 May 2011

Day 2

Porridge with sultanas and custard!
The custard was really nice! A good find for only 6p. It had a slightly chalky texture to it but was very sweet, salty and a slightly buttery flavour.

Penne with pasta sauce, veg and kidney beans.

Not happy about the pasta sauce. Sure it was only 18p and cheaper than making your own since I don't have to account for flavourings but I am against artificial sweeteners and this contains saccharine. I will still eat it (well, worse could have been aspartame.) I guess this shows that when poor, you do not have the luxury of having principles and being picky.

I boiled 100g pasta, used half the jar sauce and half the tin of beans with 200g veg.  I am worried about starving in the later days of my challenge so am keen to ration/stretch the food further.

I'm going cycling for leisure today. I have decided to not use this challenge as an excuse for not doing things (apart from eating, a bit hard to go out for dinner and not eat anything) I know I will be expending more energy so despite having breakfast not long ago, I know I should eat something substantial in order to keep hunger at bay. Also, I have to cook now otherwise I'll starve! Seriously, work is hard with the food around, it's much easier to be prepared. Having the sultanas and biscuits is a godsend to my snacky nature. Low in nutritional content but high in calories is what you need in order to feel full and keep going.  I have read many articles that say protein keeps you fuller for longer but unless you enjoy eating beans and legumes, you're kinda screwed!

Same as lunch

5 Digestives

The biscuits are really nice.  I'd buy them to eat in normal life.  I rather like the apples as well.  I am managing on about 3 out of my 5 a day which shows that you can get some fruit and veg on a budget.
I tried to make a stock drink using hot water in a flask (convenience) but it tasted disgusting!  I might give it another go using just boiled next time but I did end up pouring it down the sink.  I know the cubes are nice cos I nibbled a corner to try it before I made my lunch yesterday and the soup lunch was nice.

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