Wednesday 11 May 2011

Day 5 aka FINAL DAY!!!

Porridge with grated apple and sultanas.

I quartered and cored the apple.  I grated it, skin side facing out and discarded the skin.  I then stirred into the ready made porridge.  It didn't look that great so sprinkled my old favourite the sultanas.  It tasted slightly sour, the sweetness of the apple is definitely lost in the porridge.  I seriously struggled eating the last spoonful but I talked myself into the idea that you do not waste food.

Penne with baked beans and veg with omelette.

Monster Egg!
Monster side folded inwards to display underside

I only boiled 50g of pasta with 100g veg today using the remaining half tin of baked beans.  This was a strange combo for me, beans and rice=fine, kidney beans and pasta=fine but baked beans and pasta?!  Should it ever have to happen?  It was fine but strange all the same.  My omelette was an experiment to see if you could fry an egg without any oil or fat.  To reduce the risk of failure I thought I'd better whisk it first rather than attempt sunny side up.  To help it cook more quickly and thoroughly, I placed a lid on the frying pan and it bubbled up beautifully.  But alas, it was all an illusion akin to the marshmallow trick where you pump air in (or was it out?) of the container for as soon as I lifted the lid, it deflated back to how it should look.  The underside resembled a crepe/pancake.  The flavour reminded me of those Chinese Phoenix Egg Rolls but without the sugar and the crunch factor.

What I should have eaten yesterday penne with pasta sauce and veg
Boiled egg
5 Digestives

The egg was nice.  Notice the lack of stock cube today.  I guess I could have spruced the egg up with a sprinkle of it but it was fine.

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