Sunday 10 July 2011

Banana and Peanut Butter Muffins

I was looking for a banana muffin recipe in order to use up excess bananas that were going past my preferred best time to eat stage (still firm and yellow skinned).  I've made banana muffins before but wanted one that had peanut butter in.  Peanut butter and banana is a healthy and flavourful combination from America (they have it in a sandwich)  I can't say this was a childhood favourite (that was PB and strawberry jam sandwiches) but this is an adult favourite of mine on toast.

I already made a batch of muffins using which is a Rachel Allen recipe.  (I was looking for a recipe rather than her recipe)
I read the critiques and added a pinch of salt to the mix.  I used smooth peanut butter and sprinkled some sunflower seeds on two of them and they came out well so I put them on all of my second batch.  This is a nice recipe but it needed more peanut butter and banana flavour so here is my slightly altered recipe.

It seems with baking these muffins, I have gotten over my fear of overfilling and these raised beautifully.

Makes 12 Muffins


275g plain flour
50g oats
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
75g dark brown soft sugar
2.5 ripe bananas (more brown then yellow)
125g smooth peanut butter
250ml soya milk
50ml corn oil
25g sunflower seeds (approx)


1.  Sieve the flour in a bowl.  Add oats, baking powder and salt in a bowl.  Stir this thoroughly so the baking powder is evenly distributed in the mixture.

2.  In a slightly larger bowl, mash the banana in the bowl (fork will do, use to whisk eggs later).  Add sugar and peanut butter and mix together.

3.  In a measuring jug, measure the milk, add oil and break in the eggs and whisk together.

4.  Add the liquid to the mashed banana mix and stir thoroughly.

En garde!

5.  Set fan oven to 180c

6.  I changed my technique using this recipe.  I added the dry mix to the wet mix!  You get less flour clumps and hand washing up is slightly easier.  I have no spatula or tablespoon so made do with a dessert spoon.

Lumpy is good!

7.  Fill cases to the top and sprinkle some sunshine!

8.  Bake for 20-25 mins.  I tend to test one after 20 and put the rest back in.  Be your own judge!

Missing:  Muffin, last seen 5 mins ago...


These were much better than the first batch I made.  My brother actually ate one and he said that he could taste the peanut butter but it didn't have enough banana flavour.  I'm tempted to put even more salt but I am worried about the health implications.  Will these breakfast health muffins turn into heart attack ones?!  Funnily enough, I feel a bit scared offering free food to people because they are a bit too healthyI think that will be my next thing to work on, being less afraid of poisoning sharing my delicious food with my not quite friends but not quite strangers. 

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